Friday, December 31, 2010

Work time!

I think we finally have his meds adjusted! You can tell when it kicks in, he goes from a million miles a minute to steady and focused. He begins to pull out his puzzles, paper and pencils, computer, etc. I love it, just wasn't prepared for the change, so once I saw it and his desire to work I quickly contacted his teacher because I had no idea what he needed to work on. I mean I knew what he could work on, but I also wanted him to continue what he has been working on at school at home too! So this is what he is working on:
  • working with large button and button holes to increase his manual dexterity
  • 24 piece puzzles
  • counting 10 objects
  • working with large bolts and nuts (to screw on and off) 
    • at this point he does well screwing the bolts off
    • struggles putting the bolts back on and reversing the turning method
  • Memory with 4 or 5 matches -- luckily we have Toy Story, so that was a bonus!!
He's working on quite a bit, but with the continual urge to learn I expect he will be increasing what he is working on. My hope is that by April he will start reading. I would hope sooner, but I do not know all the intricacies for him to learn. I just know that this summer I will need to have a game plan for him. I just can not sit idly by anymore and allow him to occupy himself, I will need a schedule so he can see what to work on next and have them readily available so he can either work independently or with someone. I enjoy watching him work and watching him problem solve he is very transparent in what he does if you just take the time to sit back and watch. He can figure things out well on his own, but it takes a little longer than average. It's a true test for me! After a few minutes I would be helping him or adjusting something for him to make it easier, but in all actuality if I just verbally praise him on his efforts or suggest without physically helping him, he does a great job! He has allowed me to watch and learn, wait on giving assistance, and praise without ceasing! I guess when you think about it, it is what God does for us. How awesome that must be to see them struggle, create, accomplish, and grow so transparently...if it makes his heart jump with joy like it does when I watch Jack, then those must be awesome moments!

So here are to more moments like that. Sometimes patience is just actively watching, learning, growing, and understanding the situation before trying to put your spin on's an awakening experience that I have grown to love and appreciate, but not necessarily something I enjoy all the time!

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