For the past month we have been working on finding an ADHD medicine that work for our little man. We are now on the third medicine and I wonder if we will ever find something that works? The first one we tried he wanted to learn, he was very dedicated with his learning (which is great!), but we lost a piece of him somewhere.
So after a couple of weeks on the meds we tried something different. This new medicine didn't really work either. The impulsiveness was gone but he didn't want to work. So we changed it again. Once again the impulsiveness is gone, the hatefulness it not really there but he still wants to be by himself so he can focus. I think there is still something missing. Now that he is not in school I will have to watch him to see if I notice the small things as though I am monitoring a subject.
I also have to ask myself, is it the medicine or is he changing? He is becoming more independent: wants to dress himself, goes to the bathroom without being told. He's maturing and I see that, I have also noticed that he doesn't want to be babied in the tone of voice that comes across. He wants the ideas to be his ideas so now we have to word what he want him to do in such a manner that it is something he wants to do. So we get creative and patient!
I'm not sure how this will all work and I suppose that once he gets to school it will change again, I just wonder what sacrifices will ultimately be made or will we truly find something that works?
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