Monday, August 2, 2010

In a nut shell

To bring all that has been said to the blog, I will merely paste what began this journey into the looking glass!

Did u know that children with DS are strong-willed?you'd know if you've met jack. One way to combat that and hone his craft is to have strong-willed parents who will fight back with him and fight for him...a strong-willed teacher is also a necessity to have because he knows what buttons to push and has no prob pushing them!

Jackson can...unload the dishwasher (assisted), put away groceries, put laundry in and out of the washing machine and dryer, cooks and bakes with mom, tidies up toys in his room and can set the table....all requiring dexterity. Still working on the bi-lateral movement and stability to enable him to make the bed...his glasses should help too! 

Jackson's favorite part...aside from baking is putting away silverware...taking out the silverware from the dishwasher and separating each one according to what they are. It not only show him structure but allows him to learn his eating utensils.

Dexterity is something that Jackson has not mastered yet. He can not dress himself fully without help, he often doesn't realize what his hands or body is doing and does not have motor memory sequences yet. All this must be achieved before he can fold laundry, make a bed, put on socks, etc. Amazing all the little things... is takes to make a movement that seems so simple!

Did you know that in order to do household chores, dress yourself, eat, drink, and other activities you must have 3 basics: Stability of body and arms, Bi-lateral coordination (hands work together), and sensation (sensory awareness or body and hand position, motor memory of sequences)...which is the building block for dexterity!

Did you know that using an easel can help with pre-writing skills? It helps develop hand-eye coordination, muscle tone, and stabilizes shoulders.

Did you know that children with DS have low muscle tone?

Children with DS have a slowed nervous system, so sensory development in the hands will also be slower. This also means that it will take time for Jack to process how heavy something is or the force in which they grab it.

"God knows more about what you need than you know of what you don't want. Look beyond the pain to see the promise."

Over the past week I have given you some glimpses into our world with Jack...Here is more you don't know: His reading comprehension is of his age level. Please know he can not read, doesn't know the alphabet or numbers, but if a book is read to him he can point with pictures to assist what happened in the book! (more to follow)

According to jacks testing, his math reasoning is that of a 2yo 8th month

Actually the majority of his skills are between a 2-3yo... This includes but not limited to needing to have assistance drawing a circle, cutting paper, getting dressed.

So I have 2yo in a 6yo body...granted he can do many things, but to put an age to it that's where we are!

Today Jackson's animals have to go potty

It's funny because he says it and I think it's him...he is quick to tell me "no dis one" and holds up whichever animal he is conversing with. This is new!!

Today Jackson has started playing with stuffed animals he's had on his bed for years!! All the sudden he's spatially aware and found something bigger than his small block people.

Ah another new phrase uttered by jack "ur mean Anna!" or "ur mean to me Anna!"

Good food for Jack is followed by "mungy, mungy, mungy" (or yummy, yummy, yummy)


Confucius says “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.”

“The little I know I owe to my ignorance.” Sasha Guitry

Sometimes you can only sit back and admire the thought processes of a special needs child!

Jackson will continually ask for something he wants until he is satisfied with the result. This is no different from anyone else except he may not understand the reasons as to why it is not exactly what he asked for and typically comes with a meltdown while I am frantically looking for something to distract him.

Though Jackson is 6 he has not mastered the form of playing with people...he'll play next too, but will not connect with someone. However, if I play the voice of his Mickey Mouse or other play figure, he will play that way.

Last night I listened to Jackson playing with his Shrek and construction worker. Shrek was constantly belching and the construction working kept saying Shrek's name. I enjoy listening to the conversations he has with his allows me to see what he hears.

Jackson's new phrase is "weve me alone" (leave me alone) I just wish I could deprogram the phrase "shut-up" he uses frequently either as something to say or because he wants you to do it.

Did u know that I make my bed 15-20 times a day because jack loves to snuggle in it and watch tv? Though I've tried to keep him above covers he insist on going inside, must be the way they feel against his skin...could b the pressure that he needs to help him be still??? I do not know.

Is getting ready to watch Ah force (according to Jack) with his right hand raised high with a fist....which is "G-Force".

If I need Jackson to do something and he does not comply directly (or within a few seconds because response time is a little slower) then you'll hear me cound DOWN from 3 to 1. After 1 you'll see me pause and begin to raise my hand, you'll also begin to see Jackson comply because he knows the cause and effect of his behavior...he's seen the effect.

Did you know that when Jackson hits or kisses or slaps, it may feel hard to you, but it's like a feather touching him. Sensory learning is necessary for him. He needs to know that it was hard, he must also know the correct way to touch. So if he is doing something too hard, let him know and show him how it should be done, then let him try and praise him immensely for how he did! It makes a difference!!

Jackson is currently learning how to use a GameBoy to play Strawberry Shortcake...Doing well, but asking for help

Did you know that for the most part Jackson will try to do EVERYTHING on his may not be fast, it may not be perfect, but it is done BY HIM. If he can't do it, he'll sign and say I got it. Show him once and he'll want to do it himself...he's very independent, you just have to lose the idea of perfection and fast!!

Jackson's new word: game and it is clear!

Did you know that if you want Jackson to do something it has to be direct without fluff? He doesn't understand and gets lost in the extra wording that many of us feel is necessary.

Did you know that by merely making picture charts (similar to a to-do list) that he can mark off helps with his meltdowns? Did you know that by cupping your hands on the sides of his eyes like blinders on a horse and speaking to him so he only sees your eyes and face he will comply, but it will not be instant like most "typical" kids.

Did you know it takes several months for Jackson to commit something into routine? Did you know that any variation of this routine could begin a talespin of meltdowns causing hitting, yelling, laying listless on the floor, defiance and many other type of episodes that he doesn't know how to control?

Jackson does not like car washes nor does he like driving in the rain...hes yellin at the rain now!

Jackson is still trying to understand the automatic towel dispenser and the fact he doesn't have to continue to tear every time something comes out.

today the word of the day is awesome this is brought to u by jack who thinks everything is awesome!

shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. - Anais Nin

we've been working with jack on keeping his glasses on and have found sensitivity issues, luckily one pair are light enough to distract him, the other pair I'm still working on, however the band around his neck was pointless!

Realized how much i loved holding my children when they were infants but do not like holding others because of the memories from my last...ground breaking! then laughed at the idea that they remind me of Perry the platypus, they don't do much!

did u know that jack only eats with a spoon because of the dexterity it takes to use a fork? do u know how much muscle, dexterity, and thought it takes to use a fork?

have u ever crossed paths with a child of special needs and caught yourself smiling because of how they made u feel or what they did to take your mind off life? have u ever wondered if u have the same effect on others??

have u ever watched a child with special needs during a worship service and feel as though they have a greater connection with god? have u ever asked why they were uninhibited?

did u know that most special needs children do not learn their abc's or how to read the same way other children do?

the best thing about parents with special needs children is their outlook on life, have u ever asked them their perspective or are u not willing to step out of ur box?

parents with children who have disabilities are mentally and physically worn out 24/7 and still try to maintain a will u help them to refresh, regroup, and feel a part of something? or r u willing to accept ignorance is bliss statement and sleep well?

u can not know if u do not ask...u can not b better if u don't strive to change...u can not have compassion if your heart is closed an unwilling for life change and honesty.

when someone has cancer, you find everything out about it, to understand what a person is going through, yet a person has a special needs child and the situation is like a plague instead of an educational process i don't we not deserve the same compassion as those with cancer???


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